Sport & Physical Education

​Physical Education is valued at Mater Dei as an integral aspect of each child's development. There is a strong emphasis on skill development through a physical education program that is based on fine and gross motor skill development. The skills taught in the PE area comprise one of three strands in the Health and Physical Education syllabus. Therefore, it should be noted that 'sport' is only one component of the school's Physical Education Program. ​​

A qualified PE teacher conducts PE lessons each week with all classes to develop a range of skills during each term​. The students are also encouraged to have a healthy and positive attitude towards participation and competition. 

Children have the opportunity to represent the school in a wide range of sporting competitions. Children from Years 3-6 have the opportunity to take part in School sports, Catholic Zone sports, Gala Sports and District and State carnivals. Sports offered include Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country, Netball,  AFL, Soccer, and Touch Football.

The Sports uniform is worn Tuesdays & Fridays for Years 1, 2 and Senior Primary and Wednesdays and Fridays for Middle Primary children.​


All children from Prep to Year 6 access swimming lessons as part of the school’s physical education program.  The costs incurred are covered through the school budget.  ​