Our goal in teaching Religious Education is to assist you, the parent, in nurturing your child's faith development and Religious literacy. The Assistant to the Principal for Religious Education (APRE) is responsible for the supervision of the school's R.E. Program. The teachers follow the Religious Education Curriculum for the Archdiocese of Brisbane in developing the school program. The Mater Dei Catholic Primary School Religious Education Program was validated in 2016 as meeting the requirements of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane.
Catholic schools have extra time allocated for the teaching of Religion. This is 2.5 hours per week in addition to the time allocated to other learning areas which is similar to government schools.
Religious Education in the contemporary Catholic School comprises two distinct but complementary dimensions – teaching people religion and teaching people to be religious. Teaching people religion is an educational activity focused on the classroom learning and teaching of religion and utilises a range of learning processes and resources. Teaching people to be religious is identified with the religious life of the school and is a faith development activity focused on nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith growth of students. At Mater Dei some of the activities that make up the religious life of the school are: classes attending Masses, Parish/School Masses, classroom prayer, whole school prayer, and supporting Caritas Australia, Catholic Mission and St Vincent de Paul.
Mater Dei Catholic Primary School belongs to the Parish of St John’s Wood / The Gap. Information about the Parish Sacramental Program can be found on the parish website.